Mahalo Friends!
Sending you Peace, Love and Exploration...resulting in Joy & Happiness!
Location: Bellinzona, Switzerland
The last two years have affected people in so many different ways. Personally I have experienced the lowest of lows and the highest highs. The most interesting thing to me is that as a result of this 2 year yoyo... an old introspective self from my younger years is reemerging. My younger self, questioned, pondered and discovered her own attributes. I really liked and lived my incredible inner strength. I was constantly tuned in seeking to understand who I was, what I liked and where did I want to go. Along the way always developing and cultivating these good feelings inside while staying curious about what could be next.
The Covid 19 forced slow down of the past two years caused me to feel everything from fear, hurt, pain, love and ultimately joy. What came from these experiences with the help of a great therapist, family, friends and of course my amazing Chicks Community is the strength to go deep into myself and rediscover "How I AM, What do I LIKE, & Where do I Want to GO!" Yes, this is scary and daunting but I discovered that I had the capacity to do this all the time. I just wasn't slowing down to tap in, listen to me, and lean on my community when I got scared. Instead I would shut down and use all the wrong tools to make the pain and fear retreat. Whew! It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am writing because I am here to share... you don't have to be the strong silent happy one always helping and putting others first. MANY times you too need to acknowledge your struggles exist and approach "A Struggle Buddy" who will listen. Voice YOU! The tools are all there for you to use, tucked right inside YOU...use them ALL.
Discover YOU again, How ARE YOU FEELING? What do YOU LIKE? & Where do YOU Want to GO!" Know that whatever appears is OK. It needs to come out of you. Now that "it" is acknowledged and out on the surface where you and others (if necessary) can decide what or how you want to approach the next step. For example, it was really hard for me to admit to myself, I just wasn't happy. Then I began with help to break it down, get specific so I could make adjustments to move forward to a better place that I like. I am here to share with you this process CAN be SCARY & UNFAMILIAR if you have been shutting down and putting all others ahead of yourself. This process can also lead to FUN, JOY and WONDER!!! Lean on those around you when you get stuck or scared. Make YOU a priority in 2022!
The Chick's Company BLOG for 2022 is my effort to BE BRAVE! For me this means open up more, set better boundaries, and reap the JOY in the newly discovered! I will share where I am and what I discover along the way incase it can assist with your journey to a Healthy Happy YOU in 2022!
Location: Cannobio, Italy
Thanks for listening Chicks!
xoxo DEB
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