We Need Your Vote - IT COUNTS!

In honor of our community of active chicks who live all around the world and don't always get a chance to weigh in on our community driven approach to our product development, we are reachin' out globally.  Please take a quick moment to help us decide on where to place our important coffee tag line of SIP . . . DREAM . . .DO!  under our Coffee Chicks logo. It's super easy to participate:

Simply take a look at these three choices and vote for your favorite one. 

Coffee Chicks Coffee Chicks    Coffee Chicks


Ways to VOTE:

     • send us an email to info@thechickscompany.com and put RT, LT or MID in subject line (no need for anything else unless you would like to send us a message about what activities you have been up to lately. We always love to hear from our Global Chicks.

     • find us on Facebook at The Chicks Company and respond in the comments with RT, LT or MID 

     • find us on Instagram at The Chicks Company and respond in the comments with RT, LT or MID

RT - refers to right position of SIP. . . DREAM. . . DO! under Coffee Chicks logo

LT - refers to left position of SIP. . . DREAM. . . DO! under Coffee Chicks logo

MID - refers to mid position of SIP. . . DREAM. . . DO! under Coffee Chicks logo

Don't forget to follow us, like us and subscribe to us so you don't miss out on a thing. Oh yes and also, pass our info along to as many Chick pals as possible to grow our Community!!   Enjoy at discount of 10%  with code: COFFEE10


We appreciate your help!



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